Risk and Resilience
"Resilience reflectss tha ability of systems to absorb and recover from shocks,
while transforming their structures and means for functioning in the face of long-term stresses, change and uncertainty."
This requires actively understanding in the risk landscape "
What is Risk Systemicity
Risk systemicity promotes a perspective that risks form complex networks of interdependencies
- This is in contrast to traditional risk register, where risks are seeen as being independent from one another
- Prioritization of risks is considereed in the context of risk scenarios, rather than individual risks
A particular focus of thr RSQ is on vicious cycles where scenarios continue to get worse.
- The interdependencies betweeen risks create loops that reinforce themselves over time and their ramifications can be significant
The RSQ offers a range of possible mitigation actions so that groups can think more intentionally about the implications of rist systemicity for their city, and how to deal with ramifications.
The RSQ: towards a better understanding of risk landscapes
The main focus of the RSQ is on risk scenarios which represent interactiosn between different types of risks that can affect today's cities. Many of the scenarios form vicious cycles when their direct or indirect consequences reinforce their initial triggers. This means that, when vicious cycles whaich can affect a city are not identified and addressed in an effective way, their negative impact on the city may become gradually worse with time. However, as vicious cycles are often non-trivial and not easy to spot, it is important to pay attention to their likelyhood of happening.
For the above reason, in the RSQ you will be asked to consider the likelyhood of various kinds of causal chains and vicious sysles which may affect your city. Each scenario can be seen both in the form of text and pictures to make it easier to understand them. Also, for each risk themes there will be offered a ranfe of suggested risk mitigation actions for consideration.
How to use the RSQ
Here you can find the
- the number of the scenario within the current topic
- the title of the scenario
- the type of scenario and its risks (e.g. vicious cycle or causal chain
- other RSQ topics with which this scenario interacts with (e.g. Topic: "Social Inequalities" as scenario no. 10)
Those scenarios that have an interaction button interact with scenarios in other RSQ topics. The interaction betweeen scenarions means that the given scenario appears also in other topics. For example the scenario "Isolation of disadvantages people" appears both under "Social Alienation" and "Social inequalities". However, it is only needed to complete the scenarion once - the same scenario on another RSQ page will be completed automatically. The interaction scenarios apply their scores to each of the respective topics which they belong to.
Here you can find the risks this scenario consists of in the correct order, starting from top.
Click on one of the answers to and receive the generated risk and awareness level for the current topic (e.g. "Social alienation")
Most of the scenarios can be viewed in the form of a graphic.
It is possible to save the users' comments with respect to the given scenario.
All previously saved comments can be viewed on the comments page. Find this button on top of each RSQ page.
Upon completing each of the RSQ topics, a "View strategies"-button will appear next to the relevant scenario
After clicking the "View strategies"-button, you will be presented with a number of suggestions for risk mitigation actions with respect to the given scenario.
You can copy those actions and paste them into the comments box which will allow you to edit and expand them.
Priorities page
When completing the RSQ, at any moment you can go to the Priorities page by clicking on the "View priorities"-button on top of every RSQ page. Here you can view the list of all scenarions in the RSQ according to the ranking of their priority. These priorities change based on your answers, and so when you complete more scenarios, or when you change your existing answers, the priorities will be altered.
Use the "Priority"-button to show all scenarios ordered by the rank of their priority.
User the filter buttons to vie exclusively the scenarions of one topic on/or to hide scenarios that have not yet been completed yet.
Use the "Edit"-button in the User priority column to enter your own priority ranking based on your judgement.